Making Things Happen

Sometimes people are just overwhelmed when it comes to achieving a goal.  They’ll say “I don’t know where to start.”  Well, first, take a deep breath.  In most cases, when people look at things calmly, they see they’re not as daunting as they first appeared.

Next, ask the world.  You have unlimited knowledge available to you on the internet and through your connections on social networks.  Find out what you need to know or whom you need to ask!

Once you know what you need to do, the next step is to actually do it!  If it’s something you really want, it shouldn’t be too difficult to put in the work.  Make the decision to focus.  Larger-than-life coach Tony Robbins gives this example, which I found quite inspiring:

“I became an excellent public speaker because, rather than once a week, I booked myself to speak three times a day to anyone who would listen. While others in my organization had forty-eight speaking engagements a year, I would have a similar number within two weeks. Within a month, I’d have two years of experience. And within a year, I’d have a decade’s worth of growth. My associates talked about how “lucky” I was to have been born with such an “innate” talent. I tried to tell them what I’m telling you now: mastery takes as long as you want it to take. By the way, were all of my speeches great? Far from it! But I did make sure that I learned from every experience and that I somehow improved until very soon I could enter a room of any size and be able to reach people from virtually all walks of life.”  [From Tony’s book, “Awaken the Giant Within”]

The fact is, you can do almost anything if you set your mind to it!