Getting Customers to Love Your Brand

For marketers, the “holy grail” is for customers to not just use the product; we want them to love it so much that they tell all their friends!  But how do we make that happen?  Forbes asked Jeff Mancini, Director of Digital Strategy for Interbrand.  He had some great advice.  One interesting point: brands need to earn customers’ advocacy:

“We are hard-wired to return a favor.  We advocate for brands because they have earned it with us.”

He also pointed out that engaging with customers is not the same as just reaching customers.  They way to get real engagement is through content:

“Smart brands are driving real business value by creating content for the consumer that adds value and deepens the relationship.”

Read the full article here.

The kind of engagement Mancini talks about is what we’re seeing with Facebook’s emphasis on “sponsored stories” as against traditional ads.  With sponsored stories, users don’t just see an ad that’s targeted to them; rather, they see a notification that tells them about one or more of their friends who like the product.  Talk about advocacy!  The different types of Facebook sponsored stories are explained here.

To learn more about how to engage with your customers and prospects, talk to them!  Give us a call at (818) 752-7210.

Sources:Why We Love Brands Like They’re Friends: 3 Questions with Interbrand,” 3/12/2012; “How Facebook Sponsored Stories Can Boost Engagement,” Mashable, 3/13/12

Using Pinterest for Marketing

Follow Me on PinterestIf you haven’t heard of Pinterest yet, you will!  Pinterest is a social media site that enables users to create online collages (“boards”) with images from the internet.  It’s catching on like wildfire, and may offer significant opportunities to marketers.

In a fascinating article on, Beth Hayden writes about “56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest.”  (Thanks to my friend Christine O’Kelly, co-founder of Online PR Media, for pointing out the article.)  Some of my favorites:

32.   Pin tutorials on your boards. Need to walk a client through how to use your products or services? Or do you want to create free how-to videos to use as promotional materials? Pin your videos and presentations on special “How-To” or “Tutorial” boards. Anything you teach your clients can be made into a tutorial.

47.   Allow your best customers or star students to join in on certain boards and pin ideas and suggestions about how to use your product, or themes that go along with your products and services.

49.   Use Pinterest boards to tell client stories. Turn boring written case studies into powerful visual stories.

Pinterest can also be a great way to conduct research to find out what types of things people want currently (many of the boards are “things I love” or “things I want”).  Note that Pinterest users are not necessarily representative of society as a whole; they tend to skew female – you know, those people who have a disproportionate say in most purchase decisions!

A word of caution, though.  There are some questions regarding the legality of re-posting (“pinning”) copyrighted material.  Business Insider interviewed a media law attorney on that topic, here.

To learn more about what your customers and prospects want, talk to them!  Give us a call at (818) 752-7210.

Sources: “56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest,”, 2/14/12; “Pinterest Might Be Enabling Massive Copyright Theft,” Business Insider, 2/17/12; Bureau West research

Consumer Trends to Watch

It’s January, that time when pundits and prognosticators tell us what the future holds… or at least give us their best guesses.  Of course, understanding consumer trends is invaluable to marketers.  The question, of course, is which ones do we believe?  I try to view stated consumer trends on the backdrop of what we see when we speak to research participants.  Two such trends:

  • Companies exposing their flaws
  • Personalized marketing has just released their “12 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2012.”  One trend in particular resonated with what we’ve been hearing from consumers.  They call the trend “flawsome,” and explain it as follows:

“In 2012 consumers won’t expect brands to be flawless; they will even embrace brands that are… honest about their flaws, that show some empathy, generosity, humility, flexibility, maturity, humor and dare we say it, some character and humanity.”

We’ve seen that in our research: consumers dislike brands that won’t admit mistakes, but when a company admits to a mistake, not only are consumers forgiving, the admission tends to generate positive regard.  (For an example of what not to do, consider Netflix.)

The next trend, personalized marketing, is not new, but its time has come with the tools now available to marketers.  As my friend Jenka Gurfinkel put it (in a fascinating blog post), we are now a “confederacy of niches.” We should no longer target an “average” consumer based on demographics, but rather consider narrower targets based on consumers’ attitudes and circumstances.  And we now have the tools to do so.  Consider the precise targeting available when advertising on Facebook as well as the wealth of information available from website analytics.  Oh, and let’s not forget another way to uncover those psychographic segments: well-designed market research!

To design market research that will uncover your customers’ attitudes and circumstances, give us a call.

Sources:12 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2012,”, January, 2012; “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It…. And I Feel Fine,”, 1/4/12; “No More Average 32-Year-Old Woman, but Market Myth Persists,” Advertising Age, 1/2/12; Bureau West research

Uncovering What Customers Really Think

When conducting market research, it’s tempting to simply ask participants direct questions:  Would you buy this product?  What do you like about that product?  What do you think of this brand?

The problem is, research participants lie.  Well, it’s usually not on purpose, so perhaps “lie” is too strong a word, but they don’t tell the truth.  When asked a direct question, people try to theorize how they would make a decision in a given situation, which can be different than actually being in that situation.

The good news is, we have ways to get around that.  When designing a research study, we can try to avoid direct questions, and instead, use approaches that provide participants with the context that enables us to get at how they really think.  For example:

  • Instead of asking if people would buy a product, we might tell people to imagine they have a certain amount of money, describe the various product choices and prices, and ask them how they would spend their money.
  • If we wanted to find out the perceived benefits of a product, rather than asking what they like about it, we might ask them to imagine a situation where the product wasn’t available and to describe their reactions.
  • Rather than asking what people think of a certain brand, we might ask them to describe the typical customer of that brand and then compare that customer to themselves.

Those are just a few examples of a wide range of situations.  These aren’t new approaches; my point is, in many cases, we need to avoid the temptation to take the easy route and ask a direct question, and consider whether one of those indirect approaches might provide us with better answers.

Want more examples? I’m writing a presentation about how to get at what customers really think.  I’d be glad to give the presentation in-person or by phone.  Let me know.  Call me at (818) 752-7210.