Technology Isn’t Just for Young People

Technology isn’t just for young people any more.  For several  years now, talking to research participants, we’ve been encountering more and more people over 40 who are comfortable with technology and online applications.  Many are over 60.  An article in this month’s Inc. Magazine confirms the trend: age is no longer a barrier to technology adoption.

In the article, John Gerzema, executive chairman of BrandAsset Valuator Consulting, says

“My company polls 16,000 people each quarter in the United States. According to our data, 51 percent of Facebook users are over 40. For YouTube, the number is 49 percent, and for Twitter 45 percent. Moreover, 47 percent of people in that age bracket believe they are innovative, and 49 percent feel they’re ‘up to date on the latest technology.’  In the business-to-business realm, 47 percent of over-40s describe themselves as ‘highly involved in the technology decision-making process’ at their companies.”

There are two important implications to consider:

  1. Online advertising can be an effective way to reach prospects over 40.
  2. New technological options can be adopted by the mass market more quickly now (rather than just by a small segment of young geeky types).

In our research interactions, we’ve discovered that another age-related maxim is unfounded: young people are not necessarily technology experts.  While they’ve grown up using technology, most just know the basics; they require IT support almost as often as their older brethren.

To learn more about your customers and prospects, talk to them!  Give us a call at (818) 752-7210.

Sources: “The Geeks Are Graying,” Inc, June, 2011; Bureau West research